PolyU CPCE Health Conference 2023
22 Apr 2023
PolyU CPCE Health Conference 2023
Sharing from over 400 Esteemed Scholars Experts from Around the World on
“Trends and Challenges in Healthcare Professional Management in Hong Kong
and the Greater Bay Area”
As the population migrating to the Greater Bay Area grows, the demand for quality medical services is on the rise. As such, Hong Kong and Mainland China must actively promote medical integration to meet the challenges together. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)-affiliated College of Professional and Continuing Education (PolyU CPCE) held the PolyU CPCE Health Conference 2023 in hybrid mode on 22 April 2023, gathering over 400 esteemed scholars and experts. Held for the eighth consecutive year, the Conference this year focused on the theme “Trends and Challenges in Healthcare Professional Management in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area”.
Prof. Peter P. YUEN, Dean of PolyU CPCE and Conference Chair said in his opening speech, “With the speedy economic development of the Greater Bay Area, countless Hong Kongers have emigrated or plan to move to the region. Along with the problems of ageing population and medical system’s overcapacity, the demand for cross-border medical care is now in the spotlight. The government and the industry are actively exploring possibilities and tackling challenges whether in taxation, insurance, manpower and space, etc.”
Ir Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU said, “By improving the overall medical quality of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kongers who live and work in the region have another source of medical treatment. With aims to develop the medical system in Mainland China without affecting that of local services in Hong Kong, the government can boost cooperation between cities in the Greater Bay Area to meet the medical needs of Hong Kong residents. Today, I am honoured to see so many renowned scholars and experts from all over the world to exchange invaluable insight on this topic.”
This year’s PolyU CPCE Health Conference was attended by industry experts across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, Japan and Singapore who conducted academic exchanges and sharing on healthcare systems and services in different regions. Among the esteemed guests, Prof. Gordon LIU (Peking University BOYA Distinguished Professor of Economics of the PKU National School of Development and Dean of the PKU Institute for Global Health and Development, China) and Dr Hui ZHANG, Vivienne (Associate Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Sun Yat-sen University, China) shared their insights on “Observations on Healthy China 2023” and “Direct Economic Burden of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease Among Patients Covered by Health Insurance in GBA” respectively. Besides, Dr The Honourable LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service, Hong Kong discussed issues on “Manpower Challenge in the Healthcare Industry within HK and GBA”.
CPCE Health Conference 2023 website
Media Coverage:
港學者:香港人口老化帶來醫療壓力 須加强儲蓄 (FengShows.com - 22 Apr)
稱本地醫療人才短缺 林正財:要吸引外地學醫港人回流 (Cable TV - 22 Apr)
稱本地醫療人才短缺 林正財:要吸引外地學醫港人回流 (i-cable - 22 Apr)
粵語報道|港學者:香港人口老化帶來醫療壓力 須加强儲蓄 (Ifeng - 22 Apr)
粵語報道|港學者:香港人口老化帶來醫療壓力 須加强儲蓄 (Feng show - 22 Apr)
理大專業及持續教育學院醫護研討會2023 探討「香港及大灣區醫療保健專業管理的趨勢與挑戰」(Jupas. Ming Pao - 24 Apr)
【#應對挑戰】400名專家學者齊探討「香港及大灣區醫療保健專業管理的趨勢與挑戰」(Wen Wei Po (Facebook) - 24 Apr)