Nudging plate waste reduction in restaurants through social marketing

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Nudging plate waste reduction in restaurants through social marketing

Dr Daisy Lee Awarded Funding for Research on Plate Waste Reduction
Through Social Marketing Intervention


With Dr Daisy Lee, Award Leader of PolyU SPEED’s BA (Hons) in Marketing and Digital Strategy, as the Principal Investigator, the project “Constructing a System of Interest for a Social Marketing Intervention to Nudge Plate Waste Reduction in Restaurants” stood out from the 27 applications in the first round results of the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme 2022/23 as one of the two projects being successfully funded, receiving a grant of over HK$0.54 million. The Scheme is managed by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office.

This one-year project is a collaboration between Dr Lee and scholars from the City University of Macau and Griffith University, Australia. Commencing on 1 August 2022, this research aims to enable all stakeholders to stage a joint social marketing intervention to help consumers reduce plate waste and provide recommendations to catering premises and public policy makers on food waste reduction.