Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (I) | PolyU SPEED

Continuing Education Courses

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Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (I)

Class Code


QF Level


Medium of Instruction

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Duration & Contact Hours

9 months; 220 hours

Class Start Date

25 Jun 2024

Course Fee

$38,000 (normal) / $37,700 (early-bird); Fees after exemption: $30,000 (normal) / $29,700 (early-bird)

QR Registration Number


CEF Course Code


Class Dates

25 Jun 2024 - 22 Feb 2025 (Tue, Wed & Sat)

Class Time

Tue & Wed: 7:00 - 10:00 pm; Sat: 2:30 - 5:30 pm

Class Venue

PolyU Hung Hom Bay/ West Kowloon Campus

Application Status


Early Bird Deadline

21 May 2024 (Tue)

Application Deadline

4 Jun 2024 (Tue)


Students who are granted exemption for the first two modules do not need to attend the classes on Wednesdays.

Course Information

Target Students

This course is designed for the holders of Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence.  Property Management Practitioners may also apply for this course.  


Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. To interpret the relevant legal principles and code of practice in relation to the practice of property and asset management    
  2. To apply the principles of property and asset management to the practice in the property and asset management services industry  
  3. To work with the technical knowledge and skills in relation to building maintenance, safety, and environmental issues
  4. To apply the financial and management skills to the practice of property and asset management
  5. To use effective information and communication technology to enhance the quality of property and asset management service.


Course Content 

(Chinese version only)

單元(一) 物管法律和守則


1.1 《物業管理服務條例》

1.2 《建築物管理條例》

1.3   政府/公營機構與物業相關法例

1.4   法律服務

1.5   行為守則

1.6   職業安全





2.1   大廈公契

2.2   業主責任和義務

2.3   會議投票和議決

2.4   投標和合同管理

2.5   設施管理

2.6   資訊科技應用

2.7   風險管理

2.8   物業保險

單元(三) 房地產發展及投資


3.1 香港整體房屋政策

3.2 香港物業投資法規

3.3 香港1960年代至今房屋政策

3.4 香港土地法規

3.5 香港城市規劃法規

3.6 香港物業轉讓的法規

3.7 香港新界土地政策

3.8 香港物業管理法規

3.9 香港土地利用和管理

3.10 香港案例 – 房地產開發與營銷

3.11 香港案例 – 房地產開發與物業管理

3.12 香港資本市場及金融體系



單元(四) 商場推廣及資產管理


4.1 商場管理工作

4.2 商場的資產管理

4.3 中國與亞太地區的商場管理

4.4 商場營運的相關法律背景

4.5 商場的設計

4.6 商場租務策略

4.7 營銷策略與推廣工作

4.8 設施管理

4.9 營運與風險管理

4.10 商場的資產優化

4.11 科技應用

4.12  大數據

4.13 未來的商場環境

4.14 Y世代的重要性

單元(五) 民事訴訟程序及證據


5.1 香港特別行政區司法制度和基本法

5.2 俱法律效力的合同草擬和索償的方式

5.3 專家證人

5.4 「國際專業代理人協會」IPAA- 專家證人專業標準

5.5 撰寫專家證人報告

5.6 作證程序

5.7 專家證人的專業發展

單元(六) 物業管理與社會政策


6.1 房屋政策

6.2 三無大廈

6.3 劏房及租金管制

6.4 弱勢社群






If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Lecture
  • Tutorial

CEF  This course has been included in the list of reimbursable course under the Continuing Education Fund (CEF). This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 5).  For details of the CEF, please visit the CEF website:


QF   This course is recognised under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) at Level 5 and is now available on Qualifications Register (QR) (QR Registration No.: 23/000115/L5; Registration Validity Period: 13 January 2023 To On-going).  For details of the HKQF, please visit the QR website:

Entry Requirements

The applicants should be:

  1. holders of recognised Associate Degree / Higher Diploma or academic qualification at QF Level 4 or equivalent ; AND
  2. with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in the field of property management


Applicants who apply for admission to "Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (II)" must have successfully completed "Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (I)". 


Applicants do not possess the above entry requirements will be considered on case by case basis and may be required to attend an admission interview.



  1. Priority will be given to applicants who have completed "Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence" in SPEED or other local tertiary institutions.

Exemption Arrangements

Exemption for the first two modules of this course will be given to holders of Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence in SPEED or other local tertiary institutions, or equivalent qualifications in property management. 


Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence [PMP (Tier 2) Licence] is regarded as "equivalent qualifications in property management".  Holders of PMP (Tier 2) Licence will also be granted exemption for the first two modules of this course. 

Honorary Advisors

Mr Suen Kwok LamHon Tony TseMr Stephen Yuen

Mr SUEN Kwok Lam


Executive Director of

Henderson Land

Development Company






Hon Tony TSE, BBS, JP

Architectural, Surveying,

Planning and Landscape

Functional Constituency

of Legislative Council and 

Founding President

of Property and Facilities

Management Association

of the Greater Bay Area

Mr Stephen Yuen, MH

Founding Chairman,

Property Management

Industry Training

Advisory Committee,

Qualifications Framework





Professional Recognition

After successful completion of Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (I) and (II),

  1. it is recognized by PMSA as a “Specified academic qualifications in property management considered equivalent to degree (for PMP (Tier 1) Licence)” .
  2. students who have 5-10 years' relevant working experience in property management and have fulfilled the specified Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement are eligible to apply for Fellow Member (Practising) of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Propoerty Manangers (HKCPM).  Please consult HKCPM for details of the membership requirements. 
  3. students who have accumulated sufficient property management work experience and have become a member of a designated class, category, group or professional field of a Property Management Services Authority recognised professional body can apply for property management practitioner (Tier 1) licence from the Property Management Services Authority.


Students who have fulfilled the following requirements will be presented with the "Professional Certificate in Property and Asset Management (I)":

  • fulfilled the attendance requirement of at least 70%; and
  • Passed in each of the modules and obtained an overall passing rate.


Note: Assessment requirements include quiz and group projects. 

Application Procedures

Submission of Application


1.  Application form can be downloaded from this website.  Before completing the application form, please read carefully the "Guide for Applicants" on the form.


2.  Please submit one application form and settle the course fee by bank draft/ crossed cheque/ Online Payment Portal (by FPS/ Visa/ Master/ CUP card) for each course applied. For details of payment methods, please refer to Section 4 of the application form or this web page.


3.  Non-permanent residents of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) holding

(i) work visa/ entry permit; OR

(ii) visa/ entry permit under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) (except those from Mainland, Macao and Taiwan); OR

(iii) dependent visa/ entry permit (except those from Mainland, Macao and Taiwan), issued by the Director of Immigration of HKSAR Government may enroll in short-term courses in SPEED without seeking prior approval from the Director of Immigration.


These applicants are required to attach a copy of their identity document(s) and the valid visa/ entry permit to their application.  On admission, they will be required to provide the original identity document(s) and visa/ entry permit for verification. Throughout the course of study, it is the responsibility of individual students to ensure that their identity documents and visas/ entry permits are valid. Other non-local applicants can neither be registered as students nor commence their studies on the short-term courses in SPEED.


4.  Applications should be submitted on or before the deadline for application via one of the following means -


(a) By post or by hand:

Submit the following documents to School of Professional Education and Executive Development, Room 404, 4/F, PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus, 8 Hung Lok Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

  • Completed application form
  • Completed Consent and Acknowledgement Form for CEF Course Participant upon Enrolment
  • A bank draft/ crossed cheque/ payment confirmation page (for online payment)
  • A copy of your academic qualification/ employment proof

  • A copy of the "Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence" issued by PolyU SPEED or other local tertiary institutions (if applicable)

  • A copy of your PMP (Tier 2) Licence (if applicable)

  • A copy of your HKID Card and valid visa/ entry permit (if applicable)
  • A recent (within 6 months) passport-size color photo with your full name and class code marked at the back


(b) By e-mail (for application with payment settled via online system only):

Submit the following documents by e-mail to

  • Completed application form
  • Completed Consent and Acknowledgement Form for CEF Course Participant upon Enrolment
  • The payment confirmation page
  • A copy of your academic qualification/ employment proof

  • A copy of the "Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence" issued by PolyU SPEED or other local tertiary institutions (if applicable)

  • A copy of your PMP (Tier 2) Licence (if applicable)

  • A copy of your HKID Card and valid visa/ entry permit (if applicable)
  • A recent (within 6 months) passport-size color photo


5.  Applicants will be notified of their application results via email by the School after the application is closed.  Please contact the School if you do not receive any notification 1 week before course commencement.  For unsuccessful applications, course fees paid will be refunded to the applicants.



Payment Methods for Course Fee


Please choose either one of the following payment methods for course fee


(1)  Bank Draft/ Crossed Cheque

You could submit a bank draft/ crossed cheque (made payable to "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University") by post or by hand.  Please write your name, the course code and class code at the back of the bank draft/ crossed cheque.  Post-dated cheque will not be accepted.


(2)  Online Payment Portal (by FPS/ Visa/ Master/ China UnionPay card)
You could settle the course fee via Online Payment Portal by FPS/ Visa/ Master/ China UnionPay card.  To proceed to the payment page, please click the appropriate link in the below table. 



With Exemption *

Without Exemption

Early-bird Rate

(on or before 21 May 2024)



Normal Rate

(after 21 May 2024)


(Click here)


(Click here)

*  Holders of Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence or Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence in SPEED or other local tertiary institutions, or equivalent qualfications in property management will be granted exemption for the first two modules of this course. 


For successful payment, please print the payment confirmation page for record and quote the payment reference (as shown on the payment confirmation page) on Section 4 of the application form.  No separate hardcopy of the payment receipt will be issued for you.


According to the School's Refund Policy, course fees paid are normally not refundable, except cases of unsuccessful applications/ course cancellation.  Fees paid and places allocated are not transferrable.


Administrative Assistant

Ms Erica CHAN

3746 0020


Senior Academic Affairs Officer

Ms Sharon SEE

3746 0011

General Enquiry:3746 0360